In some domains, it seems that people think in terms of costs and benefits. We mentally load the scale on both sides and try to make a decision. We expect that there will be a direct connection between the costs and benefits. For example, one would expect more from a computer that costs $2000 than one that costs $500. An expensive wine should taste better than a cheap one.
We can also have this expectation when it comes to our work. When we work especially hard for something, we expect it to be exceptionally gratifying upon achievement. If you study hard for a test, you expect to make a good grade. If you do something good for someone, you like to get a “thank you.”
Unfortunately, life does not always work out that way. Some research has largely found that expensive wine is mostly indistinguishable from cheap wine. Studying hard does not always guarantee good grades. People do not always notice it if you do something good.
In contrast, Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 1 that God’s promises are always “yes” in Christ. That kind of sounds like a cheesy Sunday school message, but it is relevant to everyone. After reading this passage this morning, I took a look in the back of my Bible at a page titled “God’s promises from the Bible” which had several topics and scripture references. God promises love, forgiveness, peace, joy, freedom, and blessing. He will not cheat us with a dishonest price tag.
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